Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Gem Appears

Last weekend was absolutely amazing. We hosted Erica Greves and her team from Campus Awakening along with one of the Bethel Church worship teams. Campus Awakening is apostolic student revival movement that brings transformation to students, campuses and ultimately the world.

Throughout this weekend we witnessed many wonderful healings including several that occurred on UC Berkeley campus during the Saturday outreach. In one case, a woman, with a pre-existing knee injury was walking away from the football game when her knee gave way and she fell to the pavement. She was immediately surrounded by family and a crowd of onlookers. They tried to bring her a chair but the pain was so excruciating that she was unable to move. Just then a team from Campus Awakening stepped forward and offered to pray. The woman consented and was immediately helped. They asked if they could pray again and at the end of the second prayer, all pain had disappeared and she was able to walk freely. The team stayed on to share with the shocked onlookers about the healing power of Jesus. In another case, a man limped up to a team member with a tumor of some kind on his foot. After the team prayed, the tumor receded. All pain was gone and he was able to walk without a limp. We also praise God for other healings such as several cases of flat feet, shoulder injuries and partial blindness healed.

Erica spoke during our Sunday morning Celebration and brought a prophetic word that she had been sensing for us and San Francisco: "I hear the sound of rain". Drawing from the story of Elijah and his servant on Mount Carmel, she spoke of the challenges of faith that come just before a new outpouring and the dynamics that precede breakthrough. It was a great message and worth downloading when it gets posted.

Then Sunday night, to top it all off, A GEM APPEARED in our gathering. Michele Perry, the director of Iris Ministries in the Sudan is an awesome woman of God who ministers in Kingdom power in one of the most dangerous war zones in the world. After an amazing time of worship and an excellent teaching filled with incredible stories, Michele looked down at her feet and saw this amazing jewel. We were able to take pictures but gave the gem to her to keep.

Some may ask, "How do we know the jewel didn't come out of someone's earring?" Although it is possible it might have fallen out, the fact remains that gems have been appearing in different places for some time now. In many cases these gems have been examined by experts and have been determined unclassifiable, unknown in the natural world. We know that this was designed by God as a sign that would bring us to wonder.

Another good question is, "Why would God drop a jewel in the middle of a church meeting?" I can't pretend to have the full answer to that but I do have a few ideas. First, throughout scripture, the Lord loves to give us, SIGNS THAT MAKE US WONDER. Second, God seems to be intent upon bringing his people to a new level of revelation and encounter. We are told that we do not look at the things that are unseen but seen; because the things that are seen are temporary but the unseen things are eternal. Yet at the same time, Jesus taught us to pray that the unseen things of Heaven would become the seen things of earth. "Let your Kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

This prayer has been prayed millions of times by believing saints throughout the ages and it seems to be coming true in our day with greater frequency and potency. The healings and the gems are but two major examples. The membrane between heaven and earth is growing thin, and as Jesus prophesied over Nathaniel, "you shall see the heavens open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man."

The heaven's opened two thousand years ago at the baptism of Jesus but the revelation of the open heavens has been intermittent. As this revelation grows, and we begin to partner with God in ever increasing faith, the fruit of invisible things invading the visible realm will be increasingly frequent. May God lead us into a greater understanding of His ways so we can release His Kingdom on earth in salvation, healing and deliverance and bring increasing Glory to His name.

Join us as we keep pressing in for MORE of God. Next Sunday I continue my series on Agreement and Alignment, and in two weeks we will be hosting Kathy Balcombe who, along with her husband Dennis, helped to catalyze revival in China over the last few decades and Keith Luker, who is an amazing worship leader and prophetic teacher. Kathy will be speaking at our Sunday AM Celebration with Keith leading worship. Keith will be ministering at our Sunday PM gathering.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Michael, I would LOVE to see a picture of the gem. I've heard of this so many times but never seem to be there. If this ever happens again, could you post a picture? I don't know how to process this type of miracle.
    -Kathy Dunn
