Saturday, August 23, 2008


As a result of the Golden Gate Outpouring meetings, there has been a growing complaint about the sound volume of our meetings from our neighbors. The massage therapy school that rents the lower portion of the building moved in without providing necessary sound insulation that did not seem to be needed before the Outpouring began. Now, despite our best efforts to keep the volume down in our meetings, our neighbors have become increasingly frustrated and have finally threatened to withhold rent until this problem is resolved. In our desire to be a good neighbor and a good witness, we have offered to pay for a major portion of the construction that will insulate them from the crazy worshippers upstairs. This treatment is estimated to be around $30,000, including carpeting and sound absorbing treatment in our upper unit. We must accomplish this immediately in order to resolve this problem. Would you please pray with us for this urgent need? If you feel led to contribute, you can donate on and designate the gift to "Facility Improvement".

God Keeps On Doing It!!! God TV, Engle, Bolz, Goodell and Georgian Banov. s most of you are aware this has been an overwhelming season at Golden Gate Outpouring. Two weeks ago we were pinching ourselves as God TV landed in the City and began to set up to televise a special 12-hour Solemn Assembly led by Lou Engle and the Justice House of Prayer in conjunction with GGO. Over 600 people came to this historic event and we were joined by intercessors from 214 nations around the world as we prayed for God's Kingdom to come in our City and in the State of California. You can still watch parts of it if you login to GodTV's website.

Last weekend, we enjoyed the ministry of Gary Goodell, the leader of Third Day Churches who brought a team of leaders from San Diego who came to fan the flames of Revival while Pastor Michael was away at THE CALL in Washington DC. Gary is an amazing speaker and there was a high level of prophetic ministry that blessed those who attended.

This week we were blessed to have Georgian Banov, from Global Celebration for a few nights of supernatural partying. Georgian has a unique ability to bring people into the joy of the Lord through worship, teaching, and powerful personal ministry. Thanks Georgian!!!

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