Tuesday, September 30, 2008


T’was the night before Pentecost and all through God’s House
All the people were praying, they were all crying out.
Expectancy hung in the heavenly air,
With assurance God’s Power soon would be there.

Have you ever asked yourself what the saints were thinking the night before Pentecost? They had just been through a major roller coaster ride with Jesus betrayed, beaten crucified and buried. Then on the third day rumors began to circulate that he was ALIVE. He then appeared over forty days to hundreds of people and then He ascended to heaven after telling them to wait in Jerusalem for Power.

They had no timeline and no specifics of how this would look. As far as they knew they could be waiting in Jerusalem for 10 days or 10 months. All they had was a PROMISE and that promise was enough.

Yet, I sometimes wonder, what would have happened if they had stopped praying on the night before Pentecost?

Golden Gate Outpouring began over fourteen weeks ago with a PROMISE. God spoke to me that if we would dedicate ourselves to seeking His Face and hosting His presence, that He would pour out His Spirit in our city and our region and give birth to a Revival Movement that would impact the nations. Throughout this time of waiting we have experienced a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit than I have seen in over thirty years of ministry in San Francisco. We have been joined by over a thousand different people and hundreds have experienced a sense of personal revival. We have witnessed scores of healings and deliverances. We have had many people give their lives to Jesus in our meetings and on the streets.

We are so grateful for all these wonderful blessings, yet the full promise remains unfulfilled. So we continue to wait in San Francisco for power and the FULLfillment of God’s promise to us. We encourage you to continue to stand with us for this outcome.

Consider making a commitment to come ONE NIGHT A WEEK for the next few months. We could use more participation on Thursday and Saturday nights. Let’s go for it!

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