Wednesday, July 30, 2008


The Golden Gate Outpouring just turned 40. During these forty nights of glory we have experienced a wonderful move of the Holy Spirit. Every night God has met us in worship, celebration, rejoicing and intimate communion. Every night we have ministered to those who are sick in body and soul and have witnessed the power of God in physical and emotional healing. Every night, God is meeting with His children and speaking to them about their true identities and their full inheritance. GOD IS SO GOOD.

Forty is the number of testing. Moses led Israel through the wilderness for forty years while God was at work to raise up a generation that would be worthy of the Promised Land. God led them through the Red Sea and around a vast wilderness with a cloud by day and fire by night. He provided fresh manna for His people and water from a rock.

Jesus, after His baptism was led into the wilderness for 40 days of fasting. He faced 3 temptations by the enemy and overcame them all. He chose to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. He chose to align himself with God’s ways rather than to presume upon the Lord. He chose to receive His Kingdom in God’s timing rather than to bow down to the wicked one. After the enemy fled, angels came and ministered to Him.

Night after night, God has been meeting with us and measuring our hearts cry. He is searching the earth to find those who’s hearts are fully His so he can show Himself strong on their behalf. I believe he has found a people like this and you are part of it. Some have only come once in forty days, others have been here almost every night. We believe that God has tested us as a community of revivalists and is pleased with our offering. We believe that we are about to graduate into a whole new level of anointing.

We encourage you to continue to press in with us throughout the summer as we seek the Lord and see His wonders. God is moving in the Bay Area – Lets move with Him.

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