Friday, January 9, 2009


When Moses was on the mountain for forty days with God, he was given a blueprint of a movable Tabernacle that God wanted him to build in the wilderness. God also told him to commission two skilled craftsmen to oversee the work of design and building the house of God. Moses called Bazaleel and Aholiab in front of the congregation and anointed them to lead the people in building this amazing tabernacle. He also called the people to bring a free will offering, above their regular gifts to provide for the Tabernacle of God. The people responded with joy and generosity for many weeks until the amount of the offering exceeded the need and Moses was able to command the people to stop giving (Ex.36:1-7).

We have been enjoying a similar season at Promised Land. For the last two years, God has been downloading an amazing, visionary blueprint to the leaders of our church. God has called us to build a Tabernacle for Him in the heart of the city of San Francisco where His Presence is welcome, where His people are empowered to discover and fulfill their dreams and destinies, and where we join together to extend His Kingdom throughout our city and the world. But instead of wood and concrete, we are called to build God’s house with Living Stones: committed believers who will join their lives to one another to become a dwelling place of God through the Spirit (1Pet. 2:4-10, Eph. 2:19-22).

Last Sunday we celebrated the commissioning of two of our assistant pastors into full Pastoral Ministry in our fellowship. Jake Winslow and Sean Scheper are amazing men of God who have proven themselves in service, training, character and commitment and it was an honor to formally recognize God’s calling upon them and set them into their ministries as part of our Pastoral Team. Like Bazaleel and Aholiab, these two are called to be spiritual craftsmen to assemble the Living Stones into the House of God. My heart was filled with joy as each of these men took a few moments to share their devotion to Jesus and their commitment to Promised Land. I believe that this is a significant step forward in the life of our congregation and will release an awesome season of increase and impact. Congratulations Jake and Sean!!!

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