Thursday, December 24, 2009

Brodeur Newsletter

God is doing amazing things in the Brodeur Family!

A New Season...In the beginning of May, the Brodeur Family received clear guidance to enter a new season of life. This amazing phase includes retooling, restoration and reflection. We are getting charged up for the work God has for us in the years to come. We are commited to San Francisco and want to be strong for what God is doing there. We are temporarily living in Redding Ca., building deeper ties with the folks at Bethel Church and Michael continues to minister in the City three weekends a month.

Our House is Sold...We were tired of the foggy cold and have wanted to relocate for some time. In every way the timing was perfect to make this change. Our son Christopher did an amazing job preparing the house for sale with the help of each of our family members. We’ve lived a full life in this house and we all have profound memories of this place we called home for twenty six years. We are looking to reinvest in the San Francisco Area in the early summer 2010 You can read more about this in our blog at Michael's Blog.

Michael & Diane
After almost 30 years together we are ready for change. We are asking for new realities. Words that capture the essence of this time are; fresh, alive, vibrant, strong, tender, health and wholeness. These are the things that we are going after. We are asking God to give us new child-like hearts, minds, souls and spirits. Born again life. It has been so good, deep, hard, eye opening and wonderful. We spend most of our time praying, writing, pastoring, investing in family and building relationship with our Bethel family.

The Strwswers

Heather is happily married to Christopher Strawser. Christopher is building websites for Apple and Heather is a world class nanny to three babys. They are raising our gorgeous grand daughter Madeline who is an amazing student, a budding photographer and is a joy to us all. We are rejoicing that Heather and Christopher are expecting our second grand child in June. Yeah!!! This is a luminous family!

Aaron is living in San Francisco and working at an amazing company called Virgance, a business incubator that finds great ideas and turns them into companies that change the world. He loves to read, write, hang out with friends and walk his wonder dog named Luna. Aaron is brilliant and so much fun. He is a shining star!

Melissa is engaged and will be married to Stephen Casey on May 8, 2010. Stephen was raised in Alaska and is a fellow student with Melissa in their second year at Bethel School of Ministry. Melissa is going on a mission trip to Chile in the coming year. In addition to being a star student, and working at Starbucks, Melissa continues to sing on the Bethel worship team and has sung as a back-up vocalist on five powerful CD’s. She is a bright light!


Christopher has had an ultra productive year. He is attending SF’s City College and doing well. He is skilled and works in many construction trades including carpentry, masonry, tile work and landscaping. He is an artist in all of these fields and his handy work is seen throughout the Bay Area. Christopher works hard being a blessing at PLF our SF church, in areas which include worship team, sound and computers, pastoral and prayer ministries. He strengthens our family and the lives of his friends. Christopher is a lightening rod!


Gabriel is living with us in Redding while he goes to school at Shasta Community College. He is working at Yak’s Coffee Shop and is impressing his managers and co-workers with his mad skills. He leads worship at a couple of youth gatherings every week. In his spare time, he loves to hang out with friends and family, play and write music and play video games. Gabriel is faithful, a hard worker and a great student. Gabe is flashy bright!

Jacob is in his senior year of high school and gets a string of A’s on his report card. He is a worship leader for the youth group at Bethel Church. He writes and plays music. Jacob enjoys working out and used all that strength in an over night trek where he summited mount Shasta this past summer. He is a joy and is a blessing to his many friends and family. Jacob is radiant!


Michaela is graduating from the eighth grade with honorable A’s. Her teachers and fellow students love her. She performed in an amazing Christmas play at Bethel church where she had a part with many lines and also sang in the choir. She is creative in the arts and has completed many projects this year. She was on the prophetic prayer team at the ‘Leaders Advance’ in Oct. and blessed leaders from around the world. Michaela will be going to La Paz Mexico in May to serve the poor with her school. Michaela is a ray of sunshine!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Open Wide

Thirty years ago I listened to a teaching that totally rocked my world and shaped my understanding of the Gospel for the rest of my life. This teaching was called “Ten Shekels and a Shirt” by Paris Reidhead. Recently, someone sent me a link to this life-changing message and as I began to listen to it, I felt like I was receiving spiritual nutrients that had long been missing from my diet.

The human body requires dozens of different vitamins and minerals to stay healthy and without a regular supply of these elements we will begin to develop certain ailments such as scurvy or rickets as a result. Several centuries ago, during long sea voyages, sailors would develop scurvy as a result of a loss of vitamin C because of a limited intake of fruits and vegetables and would experience a number of ugly symptoms including the loss of their teeth.

In the Word of God there is a complete supply of spiritual nutrients that are designed to keep us healthy as individuals and fruitful as the Body of Christ. But sometimes the emphasis of the moment causes us to concentrate on certain truths to the exclusion of others and we can begin to generate a spiritual “scurvy”. This disease can cause us to loose our spiritual teeth so we can longer consume the “meat” of the word but merely the “milk”.

What’s amazing about this analogy is that you can be fully supplied with every other vitamin and mineral but if you lack in only one area, your entire body can be thrown out of whack.

I invite you to open wide and take your vitamins. This teaching carries some nutrients that have been sorely lacking in the Body of Christ. The absence of these truths, have produced an array of harmful symptoms such as compromise, complacency, cynicism and self-centeredness. This message delivers a word that is alive and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Here’s the link. I pray it touches your heart like it has touched mine.